Quote of the Day

"Beyond her husband, and in his heart, the wife sees and loves and serves Christ. Beyond his wife, and in her heart, the husband sees and loves and serves Christ."
~M. Eugene Boylan, O. Cist. R., This Tremendous Lover

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mother of Small Children

Dear Fagin,

I don't mean to be all "stuck in a rut", topic wise. Promise. But Our Dear Lord keeps sending me the most beautiful inspirations and promises, and I CAN'T not share this one.

You see, he led me to think about Bert. You know how his shoes are always too big? (If there's anyone else reading, Bert has a thing for shoes. And darn it if he doesn't always sniff out a new (used) pair before they fit him, and insist on wearing them.) Well, it causes my boy to trip. And veer. And... clomp.

Also, you know how I've been talking about Mary lately? No, not gossiping, the Blessed Virgin Mary. How I've never cultivated a relationship with her? How I kind of always thought I should go right to the Big Guy, skip the middleman, all that? And then you mention again recently how all of these great saints and mystics and wonderful people throughout history have talked about how wonderful she is? How beautiful, how powerful, the Highway to God, etc.? Gosh, how there's an entire Litany to her? So finally I start thinking, "Hey, Dummy. These people probably know better than you. (And, by the way, I bet Jesus is just tickled when we love his Beloved Mother.)"

So I start in. Tentatively at first. Asking timidly, feeling the water. Not sure how I feel about Mothers. Asking her for her help in getting to know her. Getting to (gulp) love her. (I know, ok! I'm on some very low loooooow levels of spirituality here.) And what does she do?

She says to me, "Hold my hand."

... gaping...

... crickets...

I am stunned right down to my toes. Let me splain. I am so much like Bert. All willful in my big shoes, clomping around making messes. And when I trip? Well, now I don't have to worry about falling flat on my nose, rolling around in the dirt kicking and screaming. She's holding my hand, so I don't fall far at all. My Gentle Mother scoops me up, puts me back on my feet and tells me to keep running. Heck, she runs with me!

We have the same goal, after all.

with much love and joy,


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