Quote of the Day

"Beyond her husband, and in his heart, the wife sees and loves and serves Christ. Beyond his wife, and in her heart, the husband sees and loves and serves Christ."
~M. Eugene Boylan, O. Cist. R., This Tremendous Lover

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Dear Fagin,

Where are you? I mean, I know where you are. I just saw you yesterday. But still, where are you? I'll remind you that this whole blog thing was your idea... I think. And here I am vomiting my brain twaddle all over it with nary a word from you.

C'mon, you've got thoughts. And feelings. I know you do. Like how about Reading Lessons, or Terrible Twos, or The Color Pink? How does it make you feel when I bring my kid over to whine at you and eat all your food? How does it feel when I bring myself over to whine at you and eat all your food? What's an average day at your house like? What's the recipe you're most dying to try at the moment?

How crusty are your feet?


That's just me? Alright then.

Don't write if you don't wanna. I'm mostly just pissy because I'm bored and there's nothing to read (besides the dozen books I checked out of the library). And I need to pee wicked bad but the bathroom's all the way upstairs. Yoho.

This is one of those Summer days. You know the sort. Hot. Boring. Mehhhhhhh. I finished reading "Julie and Julia" yesterday, and hated it. You told me I would. What a miserable read. What an unappealing person! Sorry if that offends you Readers. But I know it doesn't because we don't have any Readers.

Ha. This is exactly the sort of random driveling I didn't want to write. Next time I will write about World Peace or Religion or Something Important. Mmmmmkay.

Bert Snert was in the dirt.
His lunch was smeared all over his shirt.
He bedaubed his neck
With feculent dreck.
Pert curt hurt blurt skirt.

I'm sorry,

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