Quote of the Day

"Beyond her husband, and in his heart, the wife sees and loves and serves Christ. Beyond his wife, and in her heart, the husband sees and loves and serves Christ."
~M. Eugene Boylan, O. Cist. R., This Tremendous Lover

Monday, August 29, 2011

Since This Is Now Letters to No One

I will just write about what I want. So there. And what I want to write about right now is infertility (surprise! not). Particularly the good points. Wait, what? Infertility has good points? For sure. And in the interest of not losing my point completely I'm just going to list a few that have been on my mind. I won't try to explain them, because I've noticed that when I try to explain things I unexplain them.

1. Conversion, or reconversion, if you want to call it that. This continues to be the greatest benefit of infertility for me, by far. God knows exactly how hard my heart is, and no gentle means of cracking it open were going to work. He split it like a coconut.

2. Prayers. I know that myself and my family are the object of more prayers now than we ever were before. And although I forget it all the time, there is no bigger gift!

3. Food. Sometimes people feel sorry for me and make me cake or soup or brownies or whatever. Also, because our family is small, people are less intimidated to invite us over for dinner. Booya. (Which reminds me of a week or so ago when Bert shot me in the face with a Nerf gun and shouted "Booya!", but that's for another time.)

4. Daily life that, in small things, is very very easy. Caring for one increasingly independent child is so easy it's a joke. I am conscious every day that I get to shower, talk to my husband, read a book, clean my house, shop, exercise, pray, and do pretty much what ever I want when ever I want. Of course I would rather have the struggles of a large family than the struggles of infertility, but I do realize that parenting many children is, at times, very hard. I have no illusions that I would do a perfect job, or that it would be super breezy peasy all the time.

5. Gratitude. Nothing makes you appreciate the stuff that you do have like not having it all.

6. Time with my son. I love having Bert around, and really getting to know him. I am only as distracted as I make myself.

7. Sleep. I have been getting a full eight (or ten) hours of sleep almost every night for over two years now. Bet you never thought you could be jealous of an infertile lady, right?

8. Time with The Man. We were not good at putting each other first when Bert was a baby, and so much has changed between us in the last couple of years. Yay!

There's a lot more. I'll write it down some other time. And oh, look, I did explain things. Oh well. Oh, and I'm not this Pollyanna all the time. This gives me a good excuse to be super whiny next time, right?